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God is love!
CAC Amk Youth Fellowship 2010.

A group of God-lovingYOUTHS! (hooray. ;D)
fellowship, saturdays 3.30pm.


Next TQ (09.10.10)
Program : Bible Study
Next Sunday Worship: (10.10.10)cool date rightt! :D
领唱/主席 :
讲员 :
主题 :.
经句 :
司琴 :
诗歌 :
音响 :
Program :

song downloads.

TQ english song catalogue
TQ chinese song catalogue

speak out.


amkcac mm


姐妹会 2008
红白大赛 2008
Music Cafe 2008
Celebrate Christmas In Singapore
迎新会 2009

thank you.

Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
Hosts: x o x

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

2:18 PM

Monday, October 4, 2010

I. shall do a sharing. (:

i don't know about you guys, but i like to listen to songs while i read stuff. hahaha.

ANYWAY, back to my sharing. -clears throat-

so. yesterday i was going through some stress of things and all. Was unhappy about some stuff and i was rather mad. like on the edge of flaring at any possible thing, venting my frustrations at anyone.

I'm sure they would call it the teenage angst. Perhaps, coupled with how strongly i feel about particular things. and hence. the inner storm brewed.

But i didn't snap. Inside was a tornado of angry thoughts and worries and frustrations whipping up and hitting against the walls of my head, but then two songs seeped into the potential calamity.

One of which, was:
Who am I, by Casting Crowns.

And then I felt much better.

Not a gradual calming down, but like this blanket of peace just wholly setting on me, and I felt at peace. Shalom.

It is like a mini-scaled Pandora's box opening, spilling out all its nasty contents, and yet ultimately, you find hope. admidst the storm, you find shelter.

and I thank God for His ever-present nature. (:


Most of us are going through the examinations period, or are preparing for their examinations.

Just a verse to jiayous for y'all. (:

"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28)

All the best, peeps!


This Saturday's TQ programme would be Bible Study, 3.30pm @ MPH. see y'all~


10:26 AM

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Hello wonderful fellow youth fellowship-pers! :D yes, the wonderful use of alliteration(from dictionary.com:"the commencement of two or more words of a word group with the same letter, as in apt alliteration's artful aid." was intended. anyway, im sure everyone is brilliantly billingual but for the benefit of those who are easily discouraged to read stuff that are slightly pixelated, i shall summarise the details in elegant english--

"We invite you to join us in rocking the heavens, with the stunning display of our vocals and ability to memorise the lyrics! Besides the wonderful time of bonding and interacting with our peers, you also stand a chance to win attractive prizes!

Don't forget the lyrics! (AMK CAC edition)

Date: 14 August 2010
Time: 3pm
Venue: Chapel 2

1 AMK st 21, S569383

Refreshments will be provided. "

just translating the whole chunk of information makes me excited about the event already! :D so everybodyyyyy, please come join in the fun, AND REMEMBER TO GET YOUR FRIENDS TO JOIN US AS WELL. :) of course, not to forget, please pray for the smooth execution of the programme on the day itself. :)


Oh yes, just a (not so small nor gentle) WONDERFUL REMINDER,

we'll be having Bible Study this coming TQ, and I urge everyone to read through the chapter on Rebekah. Not just browse through it once, but go through it as in underline what strikes you, and let the contents speak to you.

so see you guys on Saturday, and till then, take care! :D

God bless. ^^

9:56 PM

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

CAPTAIN BALL this SATURDAY, 19 June 2010!

exciting or exciting! :)

Just want to appeal to you guys, please bring a friend along for fellowship! Captain's ball is one of the easiest programmes to reach out and persuade your friends to come along, so GRAB this opportunity please!

basically we'll have p&w, then we'll head down for the game.~

Remember, TQ's not only about Renew(ing), Rebuild(ing), but also of Reach (ing) out too! :D

F.O.C, let's have FAITH, OBEY our God and CARE for those who have yet to receive the gospel.

loves. :)

8:33 AM

Friday, April 23, 2010

This song is written in a way to encourage fellow Christians in their lives. First of all, this part struck me: "be strong in the lord, never give up hope. You're gonna do great things I already know. God's got his hand on you, so don't live life in fear. Forgive and forget but don't forget why we are here." God has chosen us to be his disciples to serve him in many different ways. When we feel incapable, we must always be reminded that he is in control. A creator of the world having his hands on us. trust in the lord and we will find joy in being the Forces Of Christ. The sermon 2 weeks ago talked about Peter who feared to declare his religion thrice turning into someone who was greatly used by god. I'm sure he would have sang the same thing to us if he is still on earth. Forgive and forget the people who despise you for being "different" when you set a good christian example; because we must not forget why we are here in this school or in this workplace. Enjoy=)

1:14 AM

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

In collaboration with Church school programme & youth fellowship, we present the following workshop:

" 早知道。。我就。。。"

很多人在婚后会发出这样的感叹:" 早知道,我就。。。
透过RAM Relationship Attachment Model 的五个层面,学员能够学习深入的认识他们的约会对象,同时

Dr John 运用PICK 这个模式课程,探讨新恋情的发展。课程强调爱情不应该是盲目的,在追求真爱的过程中,我们应该有一定的感性,却也应该有相等的理性来判断我们约会的对象是否是我们最理想的结婚对象。

Refer to this link to find out about Dr John and the PICK program: http://nojerks.com/index.php?page=Overview1 for details.

As part of church sunday school programme as well as youth fellowship programme, Students , kindly register with your teachers.

Date : 20 Feb 2010 & 6 March 2010 (Sat) conducted in mandarin
Time : 230pm - 530pm
Venue: Chapel 2

11:15 PM

Monday, January 11, 2010

YAY! we all love this verse. oh wait is it just me? Dont let anyone~ haha! :D

anyway, apart from the cute video that helps us efectively memorise 1 Timothy 4:12, a few points from the Daily Bread devotion today. :)

*the importance of personal conduct.
*pay attention to our own spiritual life and to solid doctrine(something that is taught), and we would be a godly example to the church family.
*Let’s live our lives in such a way that those who follow our example will help others in their walk with God.

A good example has more value than good advice.

"...but set an example for the believers~" ;P

Take care everybodyy! Study hard. :)

9:09 AM

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

"Endure hardship with us like a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No one serving as a soldier gets involved in civilian affairs—he wants to please his commanding officer." (2 Timothy 2:3-4)

I decided to post these short verses up because they have direct significance to us. We're Force of Christ aye, arent we? :)

We-ll, the verses basically can be seen to bring about 2 messages. Firstly, being a good soldier of God requires us to endure hardships. i kinda thought about those people whom fought selflessly for democracy in Bodyguards and Assassins. There was passion in their eyes, strength right from their hearts, and when they saw only of the bigger picture, they fought for all they can.

Did they get killed for doing so? yes.
Yet, did that mean that the opposing force was stronger?

Thankfully, not only can we build up the passion in us to fight for Christ, we can pray for courage and strength from Him. yes, right from Him. :)

Also, our ultimate goal is to please God. many times we fail to do so, perhaps to this element we call peer pressure. Do the right thing, and we might have to sacrifice a friendship. i dunno, for it that kinda makes me feel deflated. but am still learning to let go, to let God take control. let's all learn together, yeah? :)

mann, after this sharing i feel like a bad soldier. =X

so anyway, how about sharing about your feelings and thoughts after reading this sharing on the tagboard? it'll be nice to hear your take about these two verses. :)

cheers, yihui.

11:23 AM

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Yes! This is the day! This is the day! its been sooo long since our blog has ever been updated(psps). I'm here to clear the cobwebs that are accumulated here. Ok, just wanna share about what I "de zao" from 2nd jan of daily bread. It starts off with a driver thinking at the final part of his driving (which is the easiest), he felt that he did not need god (and obviously he screwed up). After my A lvls period, I had the same feeling as the driver. God, I can take over this period of time. I'm thankful that u took me through my A's! God has been kind to me. Yes i must remember that I should share my problems and also my enjoyment with him! Since in heb 13:5 he said that " I am with you and will keep you wherever you go" , there is no reason why we should not do the same. School's starting soon for most of the ppl (not for me though=) ). New class? New friends? New homework? New jobs? For everything we do, ask for his guidance, thank him. Do not wait till you feel you need him then you get close to him and call for him. He is more than just a SOS hotline=) Once again, this is the day! This is the day! It's a good start.


1:13 AM

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


it will be on the first saturday of December, and i'm here to shout out to everyone. Basically topics related will be on God's gifts.

Warmly welcome anyone to perform either a song, make a video, play an instrument, or even act out a skit on your own, or with a couple of friends. Please approach me this Saturday/ Sunday for more details if you're interested.

Remember to invite your friends to this special annual TQ program, yuppyupp? Start praying for them and asking them now. :D

More details to come, stay tuned. ;P

As for now, God bless, take care, and have a good week. ;)


9:33 PM

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

City Slickers!

This Saturday's Details are as follow:

Meet at City Hall MRT at 930am! (pls be punctual!)

Dress code: Wear something comfortable (shirt and bermudas, presentable! plus preferably sport shoes or comfortable sandals cause need to walk quite a bit) Preferably light coloured clothing and not black! You wouldnt to absorb the heat on that day.

No need to bring extra clothes and top up your ez link to 10 dollars anymore! Just enough to take you to city hall and back home! (well maybe a few extra dollars will be good heh)

MUST BRING WATER BOTTLE AND HAVE A HEAVY BREAKFAST ON THAT DAY! Wouldnt want anyone fainting on that day. You may want to bring a cap, it may be hot or an umbrella would be ok (it may come in handy during a shower).

We will brief yall on the game rules on that day itself. Pls have plenty of rest the day before as well. You wouldnt want to miss a tour around the city :) See you and study hard people!

Or for any other information you can always visit the facebook website


7:41 PM

Monday, September 7, 2009

Jingwen throwing ball! :D
WAHH! Eugene, you think you're playing soccer ah! Wrong sport! Wrong sport!

WOAH, posing for the camera, right? :P


Playing enthusiastically! (:

Sheng Yue Zhu Ri! :D

'Happy birthday to You, happy birthday to You! Happy birthday to (Hui Ni, Eugene, Ji Sheng and Moyi)!!!! Happy birthday to You!'


Random photos. HEH! More to come! VISIT SOON! :D
All the best to those who are having N' levels! We'll be keeping you guys in our prayers! No worries, no fear! For the Lord will be with you! :D
For those having September holiday, make full use of your time and don't simply waste it, don't simply throw it away! Time is indeed precious! Treasure it! :D
For those preparing for examinations, jiayou! Don't give up! When you're feeling tired or weary, remember that the Lord is always there for us! :D Pray! :D
Take care!
Loves, STQY.

8:54 AM

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


hello everybody! i need your help, yeah, nobody's nobody's but YOURS. ;)

by referring to the schedule board on the right>>, its daoshis' day celebration this coming saturdaye! we-ll, so appealing to all here:

assistance with video-making,
contributions of daoshi pictures (a photo with either one of the three/ two/ all three)
baking of small munchies/ sweetbits (as edible presents for the daoshis.)

yupp, that should be it! they are our daoshis, so i reckon we can all work together and thank them together as a whole TQ!

let us make yet another daoshis' day celebrations memorable and enjoyable for them. :)


10:11 AM

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Hey hello people!

I hope you guys listened to Ji Bin Lao Shi's sermon on Being A Young Christian the previous Sunday (National Day)! Here is a Youtube video which can help you remember the verse 1 Timothy 4:12 better!

See, I'm making full use of this blog (technology, Internet and computers basically) to help our fellow brothers and sisters-in-Christ remember the Word of God! :D Okay okay, kudos to Nigel who found this video haha.

By the way, it's Bible Study this Saturday (15/8), please read Chapter 12 of your 'Just Like Jesus' book! For those who don't have
the book, please click on the link below to download a copy of Chapter 12 and read it before you come on Saturday!


Don't mind the thumb/finger which appeared on the pages, and yes those are mine, my scanner broke down so I resorted to taking photos page by page!

Yep so that's all I've here, cya on Sunday! (Won't be at TQ on Saturday because I've Band stuffs on, don't miss me too much ah :P)

God bless guys,
Yi Yong

6:17 PM

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Say 'GOODBYE' to July, and 'HELLO' to August! :D

How was your July? :D
And how are you gonna spend August? :D

Start thinking now!
Don't waste any more time!
Time is precious!
Once it's gone, you can NEVER get it back.

Treasure each and every single second of you time.
Don't do things that you'll end up regretting!
And don't not do things lest you end up regretting! :D
So do what you're supposed to.
Do what you want to!
Do what you should be doing! :D

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
An encouragement a day keeps the Emo Bugs away!

So, encourage your friends who may be weary and tired.
Encourage your group leaders who may be feeling tired out from leading!
Encourage your peers who may be feeling stressed over studies!
Encourage your teachers who may be feeling incompetent!



See you! :D

Loves, STQY! :D

12:16 AM

Saturday, July 11, 2009

And you wanna know the definition of bright-coloured? :D
That's easyyyyy!
Just look at Qinyi! HAHAH! :D
Okay okay? :D
And wear Jeans with SHOES horxzxzx.

How has your week been, my dear friends? :D
I hope it has been great. (:

Just wanna share this 'story' where I've read it quite long ago,
and found it once again as I was packing my stuffs.

A Simple Gesture

Mark was walking home from school one day,
when he noticed the boy ahead of him had tripped,
and dropped all of the books he was carrying,
along with two sweaters, a baseball bat, a glove and a small tape recorder.
Mark knelt down and helped the boy pick up the scattered articles.
Since they were going the same way,
he helped to carry part of the burden.
As they walked Mark discovered the boy's name was Bill,
that he loved video games, baseball and history,
and that he was having lots of trouble with his other subjects
and that he had just broken up with his girlfriend.
They arrived at Bill's home first and Mark was invited in for a Coke
and to watch some television.
The afternoon passed pleasantly with a few laughs and some shared small talk,
then Mark went home.
They continued to see each other around school,
had lunch together once or twice,
then both graduated from junior high school.
They ended up in the same high school where they had brief contacts over the years.
Finally the long awaited senior year came and three weeks before graduation,
Bill asked Mark if they could talk.

Bill reminded him of the day years ago when they had first met.
"Did you ever wonder why I was carrying so many things home that day?" asked Bill.
"You see, I cleaned out my locker
because I didn't want to leave a mess for anyone else.
I had stored away some of my mothers sleeping pills
and I was going home to commit suicide.
But after we spent some time together talking and laughing,
I realized that if I had killed myself,
I would have missed that time and so many others that might follow.
So you see, Mark,
when you picked up those books that day,
you did a lot more,
you saved my life."

I'm sure many of you have read this story before.
I'm pretty sure it aint your first time reading it.
But how many of you have really reflected upon this story? :D
Well, a smalll gesture is significant in its own way!
So, don't wait anymore!

See you tmrwwww! :D

10:55 AM

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

alright, i know this is like, so delayed, but the blogskin's finally repaired/changed! what do you ppl think? it's kinda minimal on colours, but least it's clear and clean and tidy. hee. x)

anywaye, if i aint wrong, its Bible study this saturdaye! been quite some time since the previous one. oh and remember to read up the chapter from "Just like Jesus" beforehand yupps. ;)

this sundaye we'll have a short sharing session for our youth sermon, all comments and feedback's warmly welcomed, or you can also tag here if you do have comments and would like to type it out than say it out loud there or something. :)

last week of holidays for most of us right! no, im not here to rub it in, but do continue to study hard and trust God to lead all of us when another semester starts, yeahh? xP

happy last-week-of-holidays! (a faint attempt to brighten up. haha.) jiayous to those chionging homework, mugging for examinations. x)


2:27 PM

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Hello, people.
Just wanna come and share a little of what I've learnt during Sunday School on Sunday. (:
Think about this this week as you're going through it.

Have you shown ingratitude to the Lord?
Ingratitude can mean forgetting to thank God,
or not thanking God for any blessing or answered prayer.
Have you been neglecting the Word of the Lord?
How many days have you not read the Bible?
Do you remember what you've read about?
Did you have any unbelief in the Lord?
Is there any promise in your life that God has given you that you doubt will be fulfilled?
Did you doubt that He's willing to forgive you for any and all of your sin?

Do you experience prayerlessness in your life?
Do you pray for the sake of praying?
Do you pray without fervent or focused faith?

Have you shown concern for the lost in your life?
Who do you know of who has never received Jesus as Saviour?
Have you shared the gospel with that person?

Are you showing hypocrisy in your life?
By pretending to be someone you're not?
Be it in character, or spiritually?

Have you been prideful?
Are you impressed with your own reputation and accomplishments?

Have you been neglecting your family?
What have you truly sacrificed for their spititual, physical and emotional well-being?

Have you been neglecting God's family?
Have you failed to reach out to comeone in church who has fallen into sin or disgrace?

Have you been envious of someone?
Feeling jealous of someone who seems more gifted, fruitful or recognizable than you?

Do you have a critical spirit?
When have you dounf fault with someone because they don't measure up to your standard?

Have you been lying?
Made a state or triend to make an inference that was contrary to the truth?

Have you been robbing God?
How have you been spending your time, money and energy?
On selfish goals? or on God?

Really do think through about it.
If you feel guilty, like me, do start repenting now.
confess to the Lord, and start anew! :D
Let's all do this together, shall we?
Let's all live a life to glorify God, a life to testify God's glory.
(: (: (: (:
Loves, Qinyi

9:11 AM

Monday, May 18, 2009

Don't you think the movie, Madagascar Escape 2 Africa was great?
Especially since you got to watch it with the cute and adorable Qinyi? :D
The movie may be a funny one, but I hope all of you learnt smthg from it!
Remember the 4 characters? :D
Alex, the lion.
Marty, the zebra.
Melman, the giraffe.
Gloria, the hippo.
Are you...
Trying to Attract Attention so as to become the centre of attention?
Over confident to the extent to which he became rather arrogant?
Oblivious to his friends' feelings?
Someone who's self centered?
Considerate but don't know how to speak up?
one who is looking for a true friend?
one with low self confidence?
looking for true love?
hahaha, do think about it yeah?
And how you can play a part in doing God's will in this world too! :D
HEEHEE! All right, people.
Have a great week ahead, yeah~ :D
Here's a short prayer to start you off for this week! :DDD
Dear Heavenly Father,
I pray for Your guiding hand upon each and every single one of us through this week, Lord.
Let us be able to experience more of Your love, mercy and compassion towards us, Lord.
Let us be able to trust in You in all circumstance,
and knowing that You're always in control, Lord.
Help us to be able to do what's pleasing in Your eyes, Lord,
and let others see Your glory through our speech and action.
Father Lord, I also pray for good time management for all,
to be able to juggle their commitments well, Lord.
Last but definitely not the least, Lord,
I pray for good health for every single one of us,
let us be in the pink of health, and not fall sick.
I entrust every single one of FOC-ians into Your hands, Lord.
In Jesus name I pray.

1:10 AM

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A wink of eyes and May is already here!
Many of you are having exams now, right?
Be it Prelims, MYE, common tests, whatsoever!
Remind to keep one another in prayers, and trust in the Lord!
You may be busy studying right now, BUT...
Don't forget to spend time with our Heavenly Father! :D

And aren't you guys excited for the movie this Sat?
You're gonna watch a movie in Church, yes!
That's right!
A movie!
Don't ask me what movie is it.
It's for me to know, and for you to find out!

Anyways, hope you guys are having fun in school!
Enjoying yourself and all.

OH, remember to practice the Hokkien songs for liao yang yuan visit, ohkay? (:
We're gonna bring joy and laughters to the ah mas and ah gongs there! :D
Especially cute and adorable people, like me, will be able to!
So look forward to it, yeah? :D

Christmas will be here REALLY soon!
Treasure the time in front of you, yeah?
Hahahahahahhahaha! :P

And I would like to take these to wish these people(circled!) a...



8:00 AM